Five email marketing strategies to drive event registration
Persona muestra una bola de discoteca tras una cortina plateada
Foto perfil autor artículo: Álvaro Martínez González
Mar González
April 10, 2023

Five email marketing strategies to drive event registration

Email marketing is a very useful tool to promote your event. Using the right strategies we can increase the registration rate to our event.

Creating landing pages, sending personalized emails or sending offers can help you achieve your goals and improve the direct relationship with your actual and potential attendees.

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What is email marketing?

The first term that we must master in order to carry out the strategies that will be mentioned in this article is email marketing.

Email marketing is a tool to communicate with both active and potential customers of a company through the sending of mass emails which can have different objectives.

In the events sector, email marketing is used to inform attendees or potential attendees of the characteristics of the event so that they can know the necessary details to make the most of it.

Benefits of email marketing

This tool that we have explained has numerous benefits:

  • Increases conversions: through email marketing an increase in conversion can be achieved thanks to the fact that it attracts the attention of customers and prompts them to perform specific actions.
  • Segmentation: another of the main benefits of email marketing is the segmentation of your customers. Depending on the type of customer we are targeting, our strategy can vary and thus be able to connect in a better way.
  • Valuable content: through this tool we can share valuable content with our subscribers and make them feel identified with what we are communicating.
  • Measurement: in addition to being a very effective tool to connect with customers, it can also be of great help to measure its effectiveness.

How can you use email marketing to drive event registration?

The registration of attendees to our event is a fundamental part to achieve its success. For this, there are different tools that we can use to encourage the registration of attendees and email marketing can become the perfect way to achieve your goals.

Below we will explain five email marketing strategies that can help you encourage attendee registration for your event.

Personalized emails

One of the first strategies that we can carry out when using email marketing is the personalization of emails.

Through this strategy we can make the guests who receive the email feel more special, making them direct participants of our event. In addition, the personalization of our emails can help to attract the attention of our attendees in a clearer way and increase their interest.

Creating a landing page for our event

This email marketing strategy is focused on attracting the attention of our future attendees by creating a landing page that shows the main features of our event and invites potential attendees to register.

If you are not yet familiar with this term, the main objective of a landing page is to get visitors to perform a specific action.

In the case of event registration, a landing page can be of great help because from the email we have sent through email marketing. In order to redirect future attendees, it is essential to include banners with calls to action so that recipients click on the link directly and land on our landing page.

Use a countdown

There are many occasions in which time is running out and creates a sense of urgency in attendees. This feeling can help us to make attendees have the need to buy tickets for our event.

but, not only a time countdown can help us but we can also make a call to action with the number of tickets left. This can help us make attendees feel that they don’t have much time to think about it and that they need to make a decision if they want to attend our event.

Creating a sense of urgency through time or remaining tickets can be a good option to drive registration for the event.

Sending exclusive offers to subscribers

Another strategy that can be implemented is to launch exclusive offers. In this case, the offers will be destined exclusively to those who are subscribed to the newsletter.

This strategy, in addition to creating a feeling of belonging since only they are the ones who can access these offers, can also generate an impulse in the readers to carry out the action of registering.

This strategy, in addition to creating a feeling of belonging since only they are the ones who can access these offers, can also generate an impulse in the readers to carry out the action of registering.

Don’t just send invitation emails

The invitation email is essential, but it is not the only one you would send, otherwise attendees may forget about your event.

Once the invitation email has been sent, you should also send a reminder email for those who have not decided to register for the event after the first email.

In addition, for those who have registered, it will be essential to send a confirmation email so that they remember the date, characteristics and everything they need to know about the event they are going to attend.

In this emails it is also very important that you can apply the strategies mentioned above in order to help you boost the registration for your event.

These five strategies can help you clearly improve the number of registrations for your event and also be in contact with your attendees in a better way.