What is contactless technology?
Persona muestra una bola de discoteca tras una cortina plateada
Foto perfil autor artículo: Álvaro Martínez González
Mar González
February 3, 2023

What is contactless technology?

Cashless technology is here to stay and continues to revolutionize the nightlife sector. In this case we are going to focus on festivals where it is becoming more and more common to see festivals goers wearing a wristband with which they can carry out all transactions inside the venue.

In addition to the convenience for attendees, cashless technology allows organizers to keep a more comprehensive control of the behavior of consumers within the enclosure, in order to improve the experience of these. In addition, this technology improve the experience of these. Also, this technology has numerous advantages, including reducing the risk of fraud by allowing only those within an official ticket to enter the enclosure, as well as being able to continuously monitor capacity.

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The first thing we need to know in order to understand how cashless technology has revolutionized the world of nightlife is what it means.

The word cashless means “without money”, so this technology consists of an electronic payment system through specific technologies and software that allow the user to add money to a chip.

How does cashless technology work?

As mentioned above, the objective of this type of payment is to be able to dispense with cash.

Therefore, this chip in the world of entertainment is usually associated with a wristband that attendees can get a t the beginning of the event to be able to make payments without having to carry a wallet.

In addition, this technology not only benefits the attendees but also the organizers due to the advantages it offers them such as:

  • Avoid fraud: thanks to this type of technology, with the wristband you will be able to know the type of tickets each attendee has and verify their identity by checking the chip only
  • Real-time capacity control: one of the most effective ways to control the capacity is through this technology. Thanks to it, you will be able to scan the wristband of each attendee at the entrance of each area of the event and thus know the capacity in real time.
  • More productive bars: if you offer bar service, this form of payment can be your best ally. By means of the wristbands, the waiters will only have to bring the dataphone close to the consumer’s wristband and they will have already been charged.

Uses and applications: how has it revolutionized the technology sector?

As we have already mentioned, cashless technology is very present in the world of nightlife and entertainment mentioned, cashless technology is very present in the world of nightlife and entertainment, as more and more events are deciding to use this type of system. But, although we do not realize it, this technology is present in our daily lives.

Cashless technology also includes when we pay with a card and do not use cash. Even before the pandemic, many consumers hardly ever use cash anymore. As a result, it is becoming increasingly common to see users paying with their cell phones or even watches.

In nightlife, the cashless technology revolution is here to stay.

One of the sectors that can benefit the most are festivals. By using cashless technology, they can offer their customers a unique and much more convenient experience than with traditional payment methods.

When using cashless technology at festivals, users can follow these steps and enjoy their experience to the fullest:

  • When you buy your ticket you will receive a cashless wristband with an identification chip
  • Recharge money from your cell phone in the wristband to forget about cash during festival
  • Have in the same place (the wristband) both the ticket and the money to be able to consume the enclosure

But, as mentioned above, not only the attendees benefit, but also the organizers of these festivals.

With this technology, promoters will be able to obtain data from all their audience in real time, get to know their audience better and obtain a higher profitability of their resources.

But, the wristbands with cashless technology not only allow to obtain a greater amount of data from users, but also allows to increase security by being able to know at all times the number of attendees who are in the enclosure, besides being able to know what kind of ticket they have.

Finally, in a festival it is common to have different external collaborators that offer different services within the enclosure to the attendees. For them, cashless wristbands also have numerous benefits.

For them, it will be relevant because it will facilitate their work getting a zero contact with users in order to facilitate and streamline the process of buying products. In addition, another of the great benefits that they can get is the instant reports about their performance as well as being able to obtain data about the sales made and their productivity.